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Exercise 1. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple:

Stanley Martin Lieber was born in New York City in 1922. His family 1) ___________ (not/ have)any money. After he 2) _____________ (leave) school, he 3) ___________ (get) a job with a publishing company. His first story 4) ___________ (be) about Captain America in 1941. He 5)______________ (write) under different names such as Stan Martin, S.T. Anley but he 6) _______________ (change) its name too, to Marvel Comics. Stan Lee 7) _________ (continue) to create new characters. He 8) _________ (create) the Fantastic Four in 1961 and 9) _________ (follow) them with the Hulk. A year after he 10) ____________ (present) Spider man. Daredevil 11) __________ (appear) in 1964. Al these characters 12) ___________ (make) Lee very successful.