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Exercise 2. Write questions and answers in the past:

1. What time / you / wake up today? (7.30)
A: What time did you wake up today?
B: I woke up at 7.30.

2. What / you and your sister / have / for breakfast? (an egg and some toast)
A: ____________________________________
B: ____________________________________

3. He / do / his homework last night? (Yes / all of it)
A: ____________________________________
B: ____________________________________

4. How / you / get to school today? (go by bus)
A: ___________________________________
B: ___________________________________

5. My parents / phone this afternoon? (Yes / at four o_clock)
A: ___________________________________
B: ___________________________________

6. When / she / buy her bike? (three months ago)
A: ___________________________________
B: ___________________________________